Nakhchivan railway. 2019-2020
In Nakhchivan train exists but almost nothing information on the internet. If you google by Azrbijan language, you can find some articles and news maybe but a little. Here is mysterious, blank knowledge zone about railway.
So i visit and take photos.
- Visit: Dec,28 2019 – Jan 1 2020
- Domestic train: Works
- International train to Iran: Stopped
Regional train
There are 2 regional trains, currently works.
右2つイラン行きは運休。— 石器時代 (@NsaYamamoto) December 28, 2019
- No.952 Ordubad 7:00 → Sharur 12:21
- No.951 Sharur 12:41 → Ordubad 18:07
- No.953 Sharur → Validag → Sharur → Julfa 12:03
- No.954 Julfa 13:10→ Sharur → Validag → Sharur
In the official timetable displayed at station is not true, real operation have small difference about No.954 and No.953
Time table shows final station is ‘Kecid’ but in the reality ‘Sharur’ is final destination.I can say because i ride No.954
In Azerbijan Language:
Validag Välidağ
Sharur Şəhriyar
Nakhchivan Naxçıvan
Julfa Jugha
Ordubad Ordoubat
Amazing. too amazing. ВЛ8 alive. It date backs to 1950s Soviet Union age.
I find 4 locomotives. (Possibly more, just everything locos i find)
- ВЛ8 537 Silver, red line
- ВЛ8 272 Green, red line
- ВЛ8 206 Light green, yellow line
- ВЛ8 706 White, red line
美しさに言葉もない— 石器時代 (@NsaYamamoto) December 31, 2019
I like this white one. So beautiful and i lost my words.
This loco made in ТЭВЗ – Тбилисский электровозостроительный завод. It is railway factory in Tbilish, Georgia.
I can see ‘1953’ or ‘1963’? in right side. I’m not sure, anyway this loco aged over 50 year.
This is historical monument. This is heritage. Can you believe this USSR locos running everyday on the earth?
I ride Nakhchivan to Validag (Northernmost station). I find on my GPS, this loco’s maximum speed is 40 km/h. Nakhchivan to Sharur is about 60 km, takes 2 hour. Average speed is 30 km/h
I enjoyed this slow trip.
Passenger wagons using for No.953 and No.954 are nice, This new wagon provides WiFi.
Wagons using for 951,some No952 car is old – Russian style Kupe.
Diesel Section
Julfa to Ordubad is not electric section. ЧМЭ3 6069 made by CKD working.
Nakhichevan Station
Surprisingly, when i took many photos in the station, Nobody stop me (Sometimes happen in old CCCP country). Don’t worry, it is OK to photograph in Nakhchevan.
Sharur station.
So cheap.
- Nakhchivan – Sharur : 1 Manat (about 0.6 USD)
- Nakhchivan – Julfa : 80 cents
- Nakhchivan – Ordubad : 1 Manat 10 cents
Tabriz to Nakhichevan train
In Dec 2016 train connection between Iran to Nakhchevan (Nakhchivan-Mashhad) started. Article about international train.
Naxçıvan- Məşhəd-Naxçıvan beynəlxalq sürət qatarı fəaliyyətə başlayıb| Azərbaycan Dəmir Yolları
Timetable was this, of cource do not working.
Schedule of Nakhchivan (Azerbaijan)-Mashhad (Iran) train to change
I visited Nakhchevan station in Dec 2019, and asked but the train to Iran is cancelled. They say this service stopped in 2018 Dec, but i do not know this tell is true or not. Also i don’t know this train come back or not.
Railway infrastructure improve?
I don’t think so but I don’t hope improve. I love olds.
Yaradılan şəraitin nəticəsidir ki, cari ilin ötən 9 ayında muxtar respublikada dəmir yolu nəqliyyatından 121 min 106 sərnişin istifadə edib, 255 min 377 ton yük daşınıb
As a result of the created conditions, over the past 9 months of the current year, 121 106 passengers used railroad transport in the Autonomous Republic, 255 thousand 377 tons were transported.
According to this website, there is cargo services. I couldn’t take photo of cargo train.
Dəmir yolu təsərrüfatının sürətli inkişafı dövrü ümummilli liderimiz Heydər Əliyevin Azərbaycana rəhbərlik etdiyi illərə təsadüf edir. O dövrdə Ümummilli Liderimizin şəxsi təşəbbüsü ilə dəmir yolu nəqliyyatında əsaslı dəyişikliklərə başlanılıb
Also this news website says ‘thanks of great president, Nakhchevan railway infrastructure is improving’. But I think just a propaganda.
I really excited to meet ВЛ8. I love you.
Nakhchivan is not connected to Azerbaijan mainland. Not connected to Turkey. Only connected to Iran, isolated place. That’s why ВЛ8 survive in this 2019 also 2020. incredible situation.
naxçivan İran dəmir yoluna
nakhchivan iran railway
Iran to Azerbaijan through Astra opens 2018.
The rail link between Astara in Azerbaijan and similarly-named town on the Iranian side of the border was officially opened with a ceremony on March 29
Nakhchivan railway
Validag Välidağ
Sharur Şəhriyar
Nakhchivan Naxçıvan
Julfa Jugha
Ordubad Ordoubat
ナヒチェバン ナヒチェヴァン 列車 アゼルバイジャン国鉄