Hello. I visited Krasnodar and take pictures of trams for 2 days.
Tram in KRASNODAR is popular for citizens. Really useful transportation in the city. In the morning, full of commuters in wagon impossible to walk in the car like Tokyo metro.
There is 15 lines. 53 km
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 21, 22
Rolling stocks
There is Verity of tram car.
New tram
In 2019, Krasnodar city introduced new tram car.
Новые трамваи приедут в Краснодар летом этого года
Mar 26 2019
According to the news. Krasnodar city make a first contract, introducing 31 new tram car, and going to delivered until Nov 11 2019. 27 is single section tram, 4 is three section. Krasnodar city mayor going to provide 3 billion rubles for next 3 years. So, Krasnodar tram changing, old tram decreasing.
В Краснодар поставят еще 4 трехсекционных трамвая
May 22 2019
Single section and 3 section tram both provided by Усть-Катавский вагоностроительный завод.
New 3 section tram. Type 71-931
Also Moscow and St. Petersburg , this type running.
Администрация Краснодара заключила контракт на покупку 27 односекционных трамваев
Single section tram. This is 71-623(KTM23) modernised version. I ride this.
Low floor.
Ust-Katav Wagon-Building Plant is historically tram making company. This company made type KTM. Located in Ust-Katav.
Old tram
You worry about old trams gone? Don’t worry, still you can ride old tram car. but in the future, I do not know. For now in Krasnodar, you can see both KTM5 and Tatora T3. It is interesting.
KTM Series.
КТМ 5, most common in this city now.
Modernized version?

Krasnodar city is not like usual Russian city. Trams running narrow streets with old stone. This reminds me Prague.
This is УТМ series.not KTM. Series 71 407 made by company Уралтрансмаш (Uraltransmash). Uraltransmash located in Yekaterinburg.
UrbanRail.Net > Europe > Russia > Krasnodar Tram
Краснодарский трамвай — Википедия
Tram in russia. краснодар